Just a reminder: SWIM Cambodia’s delivery partner for delivery of drowning prevention interventions is HTK. I know it’s been a while since we posted, sorry! SWIM Cambodia provide HTK technical advisory support, support for funding and leadership. Back in December 2023, SWIM Cambodia trained 14 new volunteers in the delivery of Water Safety & CPR education to children. Two lead trainers previously with SWIM Cambodia put on a new HTK shirt and became lead trainers with HTK.
Sarath Tek, Executive Director of HTK worked with the local education department and a local school to deliver teacher training to 32 schoolteachers. This ensures the sustainability of Water Safety education with the aim of one day having drowning awareness and Water Safety as subjects in the Cambodian school curriculum.
In the last year, over 570 children and 250 adults were taught drowning awareness and water safety education, and 390 children were taught resuscitation (CPR) skills.
Well done everyone!
A new team with lead trainers & volunteersStay close to an adult when you cannot swimLand-based reach rescue with rope and team workCPR practiceInterviewing children about their life in and around water in the last 2 days“Hands up, who knows?”CPR practice Interview with boy about his water behavioursObserving teaching practice The recovery positionSafe rescue demonstrationGroup activity about drowning riskRamo and Conrad – lead trainersAlways check the weather conditions before going in or near waterTalking through the water safety messages
Please consider giving a donation, small or large.
We have some exciting news about SWIM Cambodia delivering training to a new cohort of volunteers in Cambodia. This training will be delivered alongside our new local partner, HTK. Next week, two volunteer teams from iCAN British International School and Bambujaya Bilingual School will come together for teacher training. The three-day training will take place in Siem Reap. As part of the training, the two teams will teach children at Wat Chork Primary School in Siem Reap. So, meet the team!
Left to Right: Bambujaya Team: Som Song, Sokkorn Khong (Volunteer Lead), Sarath Tek (Exec. Director, HTK), Sounsrors Hor, Sreyteang Tea, Sreynich Song, and Socheat Nou. iCAN Team: Veasna Sin, SongHeng Poeng, Sokhary Yeun, and Korn Eam.
Learn about Cambodia
Siem Reap is a city and province in the north of Cambodia, where Angkor Wat lives. Angkor Wat, built in the 12th century, is a temple complex and the largest religious monument in the world.
Phnom Penh is the capital city of Cambodia, in the south-central part of the country. The Mekong and Bassac rivers pass through Phnom Penh.
We need your help!
We need more funds to stay afloat, train more volunteers, and start paying staff to reach and teach more. Our aim is to begin teaching survival swimming skills next year; we can only do so with your support.
Could you donate either a one-off oran ongoing donation? Click below:
There will be more exciting updates and photos following the training delivered next week. Follow us on our social media sites and sign up for SWIM News.
Today, 25th July, marks the very first World Drowning Prevention Day! π¦
This day was declared as part of the UN resolution on global drowning prevention and will be held every 25th July, with the first one in 2021.
An estimated 236,000 people drown every year, and drowning is among the ten leading causes of death for children and youth aged 1-24 years. More than 90% of drowning deaths occur in rivers, lakes, wells and domestic water storage vessels in low- and middle-income countries, with children and adolescents in rural areas disproportionately affected.’
SWIM Cambodia is a drowning prevention program based in Cambodia. SWIM targets children & young people who are most at risk of drowning by providing the following β’ Water Safety Education β’ Safe Rescue & CPR skills β’ Raising awareness of drowning issues in Cambodia β’ Survival Swimming Lessons (hopefully in 2022)
Drowning is a process which has three outcomes: Survival, Survival with an injury, or Death. When a child dies it is always tragic but deaths that could have been prevented are especially distressing. The huge wait of grief from child drowning grief hangs over families from the poorest communities of the world.
On average, 6 children die each day from drowning in Cambodia.
At SWIM Cambodia, we train volunteers and teachers in the delivery of water safety, safe rescue and CPR. Once education messages have been adapted to the local context, they are simple to teach and pass-on, which can be taught in the classroom and other community venues.
Iβve seen how children, young people and parents/carers enjoy π these lessons as well as teachers and trainers loving their work teaching messages and lifesaving skills. Thanks to Leakena and Neath, who talked in the videos below and coordinate volunteer training for SWIM Cambodia. Along with other volunteers in the team, they give their time and expertise freely to save childrenβs lives. ππ½
Please make some kind of commitment today, big or small to support drowning prevention. There are loads of things you can do to support drowning prevention: Raise awareness, campaign for water safety education in schools, give a pound, talk to others, start a fundraiser, write a song, make some art, share a post, gain more knowledge, find out more, volunteer some time and skills to support charities β¦Use this opportunity to help influence the safety of children in and around water. π¦ Please use this opportunity to do something to help save lives!
Happy World Drowning Prevention Day! A message by Neath in English
Happy World Drowning Prevention Day! Let’s make it safe and happy for children.
Every drowning is preventable. Support SWIM Cambodia to save lives
Happy World Drowning Prevention Day! A message by Leakena in Khmer (Cambodian) language.